All three tools: the converters to and from PDF and Word, as well as the one to delete pages from your file, are free to use. If the thumbnails can’t render the content clearly, there is the option to zoom into each page. Once you have the Word file in PDF format, you can quickly delete pages with just a simple click. You can convert the file to PDF, which will enable you to access our online Delete PDF Pages tool, and easily remove pages.
Yet, if you’re looking for a solution on how to delete blank pages in Word that doesn't require opening the document in Microsoft Word, or simply a much faster way to remove pages, there is a second option.

This first method is a quick way to delete an extra page in Word. In cases where you want to create a manual page break or to select the paragraph you want to delete within a structured page, this can get even more tiresome. Afterward, you can hit “Delete” or the backspace key to get the page removed. As you’ve guessed, this method manually highlights the whole page within your Word file, including all the text, images, and assets on the page. You can do this for as many pages as you’d like.